Solid Foundations Through Design

Almost any building project will involve a number of components. This is true whether you’re constructing an entire university precinct or a fit-out for a corporate foyer. JMC Construction Solutions functions as the ‘superintendent’ of the process, overseeing everything for quality control and scheduling purposes.

At blueprint stage, JMC Construction Solutions can assist with integrating each discrete component to make sense as a whole and obtaining all the necessary certifications.

Some of the various components involved may be architectural, structural, electrical, hydraulic and mechanical in nature, or involve workshop detail. Having already conducted our due diligence, we identify these silo components out and work out how they fit together practically.

3d model living room

Flexible and Collaborative

Some construction firms have a reputation for insisting on numerous
variations throughout a project. As a rule, we don’t deal in variations because
in our experience they are counterproductive, take up too much of your time
and interfere with efficient delivery. We believe in doing what we say we will
in the first place.

Pre-construction Design
at No Extra Cost

All of the above planning work is built into your ‘design and construct’
contract so you don’t have to worry about man hours or mounting costs. This
service is about risk mitigation for both our clients and ourselves. It
encompasses pre-construction design, liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating various elements.

drawing design plans

Our Design Projects


We can get your project off the ground or execute the finer points you envisioned.